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How do I group my contacts?

Contact groups allow you to schedule one reminder to send out to multiple people. It's a great way to remind several people at the same time. To do this, you can group your contacts, then select that group when scheduling reminders. To create a group:

Navigate to your Contacts page.

Under your Contacts, you'll see a section called Groups. Click Add Group. Name this group and click Add Group. Now you have a group! Repeat this step as many times as you need to set up all of your groups.

Navigate back to your Contacts page. You'll now see your group listed under the Groups section. Click Add Members next to the group.

Select a contact from the dropdown menu.

Click Add Another. Continue selecting contacts until you've selected all contacts for this group. Click Add Members.

If you need to add a lot of members to a group, you can also add using a CSV file.

If you have more questions, please contact us.